Traffic exchanges work based on how many sites you view, they have a specific amount of time you have to view each site which varies per exchange. They give you a ratio of sites you view to hits you'll get to your site, the best traffic exchanges have a 1:1 ratio so if you view 20 sites in a day you'll get 20 hits to your blog, if the ratio is 2:1 you'll get ten hits and so on.
Typically people use traffic exchanges to promote a product, instead of just having their homepage as the site that will receive hits they set it to their "sell page". They give a description of the product, some even have audio describing it, along with the price and a link to where they can buy it, usually a Paypal button. This could be great for your blog if it offers a product or service to sell.
Whatever you do DO NOT USE ADSENSE IF YOUR USING TRAFFIC EXCHANGES!!! So many people get banned from Adsense for using traffic exchanges because this goes against their policy, if one of your main sources of money is from adsense then do not use traffic exchanges.
Like I mentioned before traffic exchanges don't give you the best kind of traffic out there, so I wouldn't waste my time if I didn't have a good strategy behind it. First you'll need to get Firefox or another internet browser that has the capability to open multiple tabs in the same window. Sign up to around 10 traffic exchanges and open each one in a separate tab on your browser, now surf for about 20-30 minutes and this should get you a couple of hundred people to your blog. By using this strategy you won't have to wait for every single exchange to count down it's timer you can just go to the next one and once you reach the tab you started on the timer will have already counted down.
Here's a list of a bunch that I use:
- Traffic-Splash
- TrafficG
- Easy Hits 4 U
- Free Million Auto Surf
- Web Master Quest
- Em-Traffic
- High-Hits
- TS25
- Eternal Hits
- WebCentre Surf
Using Blog Exchanges For Your Blog
Blog exchanges work in the same way traffic exchanges do except these types of sites only allow blogs to be a part of their service. These give me way better pageview and time on site statistics, mainly because bloggers simply love to read other blogs, the only problem is that there are very few of these around.
Here are 3, I have found and use:
Blog exchanges work in the same way traffic exchanges do except these types of sites only allow blogs to be a part of their service. These give me way better pageview and time on site statistics, mainly because bloggers simply love to read other blogs, the only problem is that there are very few of these around.
Here are 3, I have found and use:
So what do you guys think? have you ever used traffic or blog exchanges before? what were your experiences? opinions?
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Thanks and good luck earn much money and traffic.
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Thanks and good luck earn much money and traffic.
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